october, 2018

mon29oct10:00 amREALTORS SELF DEFENSE/OC 1 hour approved CE Credit10:00 am Medina Library, Community Room A, 210 S Broadway St, Medina, OH 44256


Event Details

This class is designed as a hands-on training course to educate Realtors on safety, awareness of surroundings and self-defense.

Participants will learn the proper deployment of “Pepper” OC Spray using a sample “not-live” during the class to understand the distance of spray and feel of using the device. Following the class, each participant will receive a “live” mace canister and will be educated, confident and ready to protect themselves should that threat arise.

This class will contain statistics, education involving real-life experiences and will be taught by the official trainers of mace and law enforcement officers.

Call 800-490-1253 or email [email protected] to REGISTER TODAY!

Sponsored By:
Freedom Mortage
North Ohio Property Inspection
Cleveland Home Title

WHEN: OCTOBER 29, 2018
LOCATION: Medina Library (210 S Broadway Street), Community Room A


(Monday) 10:00 am


Medina Library, Community Room A

210 S Broadway St, Medina, OH 44256